Monday, September 27, 2010

Covert Groups

Recently I've been made aware that we have "covert" groups meeting at my church. It's funny to say out loud but it's the truth. Some have sort of organically formed and some were intentional about forming. When approached, the leaders of these groups dance around the question of why they haven't plugged into the church's network of leader support. Why is it they choose to meet with "no strings attached" separated from the church's coaching model, leader resources, leader gatherings and 1-on-1 coaching?

What would you say?

1 comment:

  1. One man's benefit is another man's burden. The coaching model, leader resources, etc. are a great tool for leaders. You and I see them as benefits. But they are seen as a burden by others.

    We don't expect that every person who walks into a church will fit into the same mold as everyone else. We recognize that each person and their walk is different. So we offer them different avenues and options for learning, growing and serving. We offer classes for new believers, in-depth classes for digging into the scriptures, adult bible fellowships, life groups, four different Sunday morning worship services, etc.

    So, to answer a question with a few others, why would we expect life groups to be any different? Why would we create a mold and ask all groups to fit inside it? Why would we attach the same strings to every group?
