Hey leader recently I've received several calls to troubleshoot group life issues. Some have been minor issues that require little action and some are major issues that require significant action. As you go about putting into practice suggested solutions here are some tips on how to become a "small group whisperer":
1. Assess your own performance and focus- Many times issues pop up because the point leader is not functioning on all cylinders.
2. Evaluate how group life is functioning in your little flock-sniff out potential problems but at the same time celebrate the good things that you find.
3. Ask "Are we still striving to accomplish our mission/vision?" If not, why? Apathy, unmet expectations etc.
4. Ask "Are you at least one step closer to God today than when we started this journey?" If not, why?
These questions can help you understand as to why your group might be lacking in one or more areas...but please note these questions should serve as a guide...a launching pad for a conversation.
No matter your findings remember that our number one goal is for people grow one step closer in their walk with Christ. If your group is accomplishing this goal then perhaps things are better than they seem...
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