Thursday, September 9, 2010

Do we really care?

It's the beginning of the semester and groups are back up and running...I can't help but wonder how many leaders out there are asking their group the question: Do we really care?

As group expectations are clarified, ground rules agreed upon and group norms established how many leaders are asking the big questions?

Last week I showed Will Miller's presentation of Refrigerator Rights from the '07 Willow Groups's now a must-see for many of our groups simply because it's so funny :) My group had never seen it before so I was interested to know how they would we care enough to establish refrigerator rights with one another?

This is a big question for a group to answer as it can immediately help a group spout it's wings...

What if you were to have a conversation with your group where you answer a series of questions...maybe something like:

Since we care about each other we will ___________.
Since we care about this group we will ____________.
Since we care about this church, our group will_________.

I wonder what that conversation would yield...

First we must answer the question...Do we really care?

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